The Word Gym Ltd.

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Our Teamwork

Who We Are > How We Work

We work with the very best writers, editors and translators to produce consistently excellent results.

We work with the very best... but we don't pretend they all work in-house. That wouldn't make good business sense. In our experience, linguists who make their homes away from their native countries lose idiomatic fluency in their own language in a remarkably short space of time, unless they make deliberate and sustained efforts to "stay in touch". Most members of our network of suppliers and colleagues are based abroad.

Another excellent reason why we don't employ our suppliers full-time is because we work with the best in the industry. Our writers, editors and translators are high-flying, high-earning individuals who work with us because they like the way we operate. Their earning potential is much higher as freelancers, rather than as employees of one company. In-house, we specialise in managing these intelligent, dynamic artists and craftspeople as effectively as possible.

In today's networked business environment, we find that a combination of efficient management and personal service is the key to sustainable quality.

If you'd like to work with or for The Word Gym, find out more about the qualities we're looking for here.

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